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Harry Langbeheim : Agnon in Color

The fertile imagination of one of the greatest Nobel prize-winning writers, Shai Agnon, provides skin and sinews for an exhibition of paintings created by the artist Harry Langbeheim.

Viewing the works presented in the exhibition, you will find yourself immersed in scenes where, through the strokes of the pen and brush, you are invited to experience the intensity of the literary heroes and their emotions, ramble the ancient streets of Jerusalem, visit the mystical landscapes of Eastern Europe and explore distant lands and the worlds of imagination.

Join us on a journey through time and space, where the worlds of Shai Agnon come to life, bridging the gap between the imaginative realms of literature and the vivid and expressive interpretation of art.

Harry Langbeheim was born in 1948 in Zurich, Switzerland and has resided in Rehovot since immigrating to Israel in 1973. Harry, a PhD graduate of the Weizmann Institute, has been engaged in research and business management in the biotechnology industry for over 35 years. He learned to draw and illustrate as a young boy in Switzerland and has never stopped drawing and painting with India ink and watercolors ever since.

Theatre Gallery

Gallery Talk:
Friday, 10.1.25, at 11:00
Wednesday, 15.1.25 at 16:00
Friday, 17.1.25, at 10:30
Free Admission

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