Jack Siegel: Colors Brimming with Life
Jack Siegel (b. 1934, Chicago) is a graduate of the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, toured the great art museums of Europe while serving in the US Army. His paintings show the influence of Impressionism and Expressionism as well as the life force of color.
In his own words, "My life is brimming with color. I see the wonderful vibrancy of life expressed in them. Moving colors direct my brush. Their movements daring me to catch them before they change directions. Some colors leave my brush and start dancing and – Inspiring me to catch their rhythms. Nothing expresses humor as well as colors having fun. In my studio, they’re often unsupressable. They tell me, "Don’t be so serious."
"These living colors follow me into my dreams - sometimes getting bossy and trying to tell me what to paint next. They’re always in competition with each other, challenging me to solve the problems the problems they create. They bring me to life."
Sherover Theatre Foyer
Jack Siegel (b. 1934, Chicago), Homebuilders, undated, oil on canvas. Photo courtesy of the artist.