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One Day: New Morning

Israel Festival, 2024

One Day: What is it all about?
Audience and performers, together on stage for 24 hours

In one day our lives changed forever. One day, life here will be different. (Over the course of) one day, we will all meet on the main stage.

It took one day to change us all: our mental state, our worldviews, our topics of conversation, the actions we do each day. It will take much more than one day to restore our confidence, our pain and our fears. For now, for one day we will all meet on the main stage of the Jerusalem Theater –  audience together with performers: musicians, actors, dancers, speakers, and more. For about 24 hours we’ll be together, without the traditional separation between audience and stage, between viewer and performer. We will examine the places where togetherness is a source of strength, and the moments when it is a thin mask that hides divisions.

One day will be divided into a number of segments throughout the day. 

One Day: New Morning

Just a moment – It takes time to create a new morning. We’re still working on it. Full details coming soon. 
In the meantime, there are many other segments waiting for you in One Day.


  • Duration:
    Apx. two hours, no interrmission
  • Photography:
    Israel Festival PR
  • Remarks:
    Subscribers are entitled to a discount, but subscription tickets are not valid.

Event dates


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