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Berry Sakharof

Jerusalem International Oud Festival, 2024

Guests: Shai Tsabari, Eliyahu Dagmi, Elad Gabbay

The audience of the Oud Festival got to know the rich musical world of Berry Sakharof when he rocked the stage in a show with a raucous crowd, "The Red Lips", dedicated to the poetry of Ibn Gabirol. With his unique musical fingerprint and voice and his unforgettable guitar playing, Sakharof is considered to be ahead of his time. He has influenced generations of musicians and captured a huge and loyal fan base. Sakharof returns to the Oud Festival and hosts Shai Tsabari, Eliyahu Dagmi and Elad Gabbay on stage. The show will include songs from the best of Sakharof’s repertoire, from the peaks of Israeli rock creation, alongside piyyutim that will be given a one-time joint performance.

Berry Sakharof singing, guitars | Shai Tsabari, vocals; Eliyahu Dagmi, vocals, saz, baglama, guitar; Elad Gabbay, vocals; Nir Mansour, drums; Gidi Raz, sampler, guitar; Oren Lutenberg, electric guitar; Benno Hendler, bass; Jonathan Daskal, keyboard

  • Duration:
    About an hour and a half with no break
  • Photography:
    Eldad Shushan
  • Remarks:
    The shows is discounted for subscribers, but subscription tickets cannot be used.

Event dates

The Sherover Theatre

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