Nights – Dudu Zakai & Dorit Reuveni
A joint show accompanied by a musical band
Dudu Zakai and Dorit Reuveni, two distinguished performers of Hebrew songs, reunite to sing songs as a duo and separately.
A celebration of Hebrew songs with hits made popular by the two: Leylot (Nights), Ha-Har Ha-Yarok Tamid (The Ever-Green Mountain), Lakum Be-Shesh Ba-Boker (To Get Up at Six in the Morning), Hayom, Hayom (Today, Today), Khaykhi li Ba-Shirim (Smile at Me with Songs), Missaviv La-Medura (Around the Bonfire), Derekh Eretz Ha-Shaked (Through the Land of Almonds) Hallelujah, and many more.
- Duration:About an hour and a half with no break
- Photography:Avi Hayun, מייק סילברמן