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Tzufit Grant – Turning Doors

International Women's Month 2023

For a bird to be able to fly, an infinite number of optimal conditions are required. To enable its movement through the air, it has to have the right size and proportions, a sufficiently wide wingspan, tremendous muscle power, sharp senses, and delicate balance. Tzufit Grant's starting point as a child was the optimal conditions for a crash: a too-small girl born into too big a reality. The seven-year-old girl found herself alone in a broken house, with a choking threat in her throat; if she dared to disturb her grandmother, she would find herself thrown out of the house. In her performance, Tzufit takes us with her, hand in hand, through the difficult moments of her adult life. There, we spend time with her in luxury restaurants and glittering lives abroad, laughing to tears at small embarrassing moments reminding us of our simple common humanity.

"Revolving Doors" is a must-see for anyone who wants to feel life to the fullest.

  • Duration:
    About an hour and a half with no break
  • Photography:
    Rami Zarnegar

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